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I Have A Dream...

I have a dream of...

…people listening more and judging less.

…people consuming less physical stuff and finding more happiness within.

…people being more creative and finding their own identity rather than following advertised role models.

…people trusting and valuing love and the voice of their heart in every aspect of life.

…people creating a more human business world.

…people seeing all beings as their fellow siblings.

…people trusting the less.

…people experiencing that less consuming and more time with yourself and others brings real happiness.

…more people moving from doing to being.

…people letting things and others be as they are.

I have a dream of…

…me listening more and judging less.

…me consuming less physical stuff and finding more happiness within.

…me being more creative and finding my own identity rather than following advertised role models.

…me trusting and valuing love and the voice of my heart in every aspect of life.

…me creating a more human business world.

…me seeing all beings as my fellow siblings.

…me trusting the less.

…me experiencing that less consuming and more time with myself and others brings real happiness.

…me moving from doing to being.

…me letting things and others be as they are.

You want to see change in the world? Then go and be the change. By changing yourself you have influence on your environment. The way you enter the world and how you treat others has an effect. You can share what you want to see and make it grow. Peace and humanity can spread the same way as hate and agitation does. It is good to be wise what we want to bring into the world and our own life.


  • Move from doing to being and experience the power of a MBSR body scan.

  • Find someone or something which you hold responsible for your happiness and reconsider if it might be not yourself who is responsible for your happiness.

  • Experience a mini-retreat. Therefore take a few deep breath. With the inhale say "let" and with the exhale "go". Repeat during the day as often as needed and feel what it does to your body. If your surrounding allows it, close your eyes, so that you can detect the sensations and benefits in your body even more.


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© 2021 Rosina/Berlin

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